Borrowed mums car, in a car park in France, Zanne/Hannah combined is driving and they pull out into a new Range Rover , we drive on to the next section of the open gravelly car park then get out and fold the car into our tote bag, we move into the initial part of the car park and the family who owned the Range Rover have unpacked their car into a kind of plasticky shed, it looks like it’s covered in melted butter at the seams and the father is saying that the small hit must have melted it, I say it was obviously the fact that all those parts were stored in the engine and it’s obscenely hot outside so that would be why - there is however a small hole to the bottom left of thsse shed that is probably from the impact.
Ricky gervais arrives “I’m the crazy guy” dressed in yellow and fluorescent garb, white long johns with a yellow top with a smily face and a head band maybe a white cardigan
The mother looks like Shakira/Izzy Risk
With ted and X in a lighthouse playing with various old fashioned zombies-esque weapons like gamma ray and things, the grenades just fall to the floor and nothing happens
It’s connected to a deep basement - climbing back up into it is slightly hard with an overhang , your legs swing out like Gwinnie on the bench and I get helped up
A winter scene (like Pierre Hughye in New York/arctic) with a friendly robot, it’s tossed a large glowing green rock by the lake like a kryptonite, the robot buries it
Runs very fast through an underground tunnel holding something it found under a bridge
Han/Someone has hidden two moths/tiny birds in a precious box and they’ve shat in it, she wouldn’t tell me the code for it then eventually opened it