Walking along the street to find a restaurant with Dad and fam, all of them are close to closing time and mostly refusing service - we end up walking along a tube platform and going into an old fashioned pub, The Receivery, I spot Elle is in there and I order and walk out with Elle to have a quick chat, she’s with a guy friend and we all chat for ages talking about relationships, moving up and down the streets going over and over the roads for a long walk until we get back to the tube. (Along the way see Eden F packing up chairs and give him a quick wink)
Whilst in the station her friend says he sees his aunt coming towards us, shes extremely extremely short with brown short hair and a fabric bag (bit like Agnes Varda), I’m asked to lightly jog towards her as if I’m trying to nick her bag, and then surprise her by knowing her name, she freaks out so I call her name and she calms down and I walk her back to her nephew, they then have to get their train and we bump into some others at the entrance to the tube stairs, Oscar R-C and three others - I say goodbye with three quick friendly kisses on lips to Elle and Lewis walks past, we then walk along the platform and out Lewis saying he doesn’t know if he’d say goodbye to his friend like that with his veterinary girlfriend and points out “why isn’t a graffiti of the word 'condom' on that street lamp outside the tube like usual”.
I get a text from the restaurant requesting that I subsidise the bill (£22 for the labour and food as well as any other incurred costs) at the restaurant my family is at as I haven’t eaten it and they have thrown it away- I go into the restaurant and dad is asleep head down on the table (white tablecloth, quite raised with irregular legs, quite high up and oval, the cloth reaching far down) kind of sat in stans pram with him, I give Stan a kiss on the forehead and it’s like giving them both a kiss. I asked him why they threw my food away. Dad says “don’t tell me Betty has died she was my best friend“.